Tuesday, October 27, 2009

^^ my beautiful familyyy :) !! so,
things here have been pretty normal, i went to Trujillo with my mom and my
sister, it was really great. we went shopping and i met my uncle marco; the
brother of my mom and his family.. they are very nice and they treat me like im
just another part of their family. i am so happy here and as of right now, i
feel like i could never have a problem here. i can already talk to my parents
and my siblings about ANYTHING. im not sure if i could be any happier. anyways,
school is getting better.. everybody knows me now and im pretty much normal now.
my friends call me "morena" which is like.. a name for people with darker skin
(as a joke, of course) haha.. i think its funny. and im starting to go out and
do more things after school with my friends. about a week ago, it was my
friend bryans birthday and we all put in money to buy him a cake and we
all just hung out at his house, it was fun. and two days ago me and my
friend shirley went to the "center" in chimbote... it was fun then we went to
her cousins house so we could do some homework. so im happy that im getting more
friends. i looooooooove my peru <3 VIVA PERU! ill update more when more
happens :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009


There are a lot of things I didn’t mention in my previous posts because I didn’t have the time at that moment so I’ll take the time to fill you in now. The picture of me and the two guys, which is my brother and my dad! We were all in the front of the house at 11 in the morning with my sisters Melissa and Fiorella and their boyfriends Gustavo and Jorge. Sad to say, Melissa and Jorge aren’t together anymore L it was sad to see her after the break up, she was crying... I am coming to the conclusion that my family here is actually really different than my family in the US. At first I thought they were a lot alike. There are still some similarities but not as much as I thought. There are more rules here, but there are rules about different things. Things I had rules about in the US I don’t have here... and vice versa. My parents in the US pretty much have restrictions on where I can go, with whom, and what time I will be back (also, grades.) Here they are different because I don’t really have a time I need to be home; when I go out with my sister, we usually leave around 10:30 or 11:00 (that would NEVER happen in the US, believe me.) and come home around 4 or 5 in the morning, which, again, would NEVER happen in the US. Another thing, everyone here has a Nextel. I have one but I never use it. I never thought I would have a cell phone and not use it! Another thing, I really miss baking! I have grown to appreciate supermarkets in the US because there are not really any here… just in the bigger cities like Trujillo and Lima and it’s hard to find things like chocolate chips for making cookies! About school, I understand nothing about Trigonometry J haha… I guess I will figure it out eventually. I am doing better and better with my Spanish. Now, I can almost understand everything without asking them to repeat it or anything! I also found that it is hard when people are having a bad day because they seem to get annoyed with me easily because I ask a lot of questions all the time (not just in Spanish, I used to ask a lot of questions in English also) I am really learning a lot of things here. Things that I didn’t even think I needed to learn before I came here. I know this year is going to be full of excitement; both good and bad. I MISS RUSSELL!!! I’m sorry if you don’t know who that is, he is my ex boyfriend in the US L I listen to music here a lot to get my mind off things if I need to… well, I will try and take more pictures of my city and the places I go so you can get a glimpse of the life I live here in Peru! Peru is actually really pretty! The structure of the streets is confusing, though. For example: I live off the main street of Argentina in the Urb. of Santa Cristina. Most of the stores in Nuevo Chimbote are on the main street of Pacifico. That street is walking distance from my house, so I got lucky! I didn’t realize how much I hadn’t said! Well, until next time J

Kimberly Milner-Loli Vargas

Sunday, October 4, 2009

colegio y mucho mas!

school has been going very well for me, despite the math classes i have to take (trigonometry & physics) !! i have made friends with every person in my class and i also have found a boy (YES, already) i recently went to a party at school for " Dia De La Joventud" and it was so much fun! it was definately an ice breaker for me and people at school because my friends made me dance with people i didnt know, eventually, Gerson (my boy) showed up and i danced with him the rest of the time. The day after, everyone went on a school trip to a city called Trujillo, Peru with my class and some other classes in the school, also for "Dia De La Joventud" it was really fun and i talked to alot of people. i was not even shy to dance in front of them anymore!! (that is how i knew i was now completely comfortable with myself in peru). I am definately adjusting to the customs of peru. i know i will have a lot of new found habits once i get back to the United States because my mom here is very much a perfectionist. Today i cleaned my room, swept the floor in my room & living room, and also helped do laundry! This is also because right now, my momma peruana is sick :/ she has a doctors appointment tomorrow so we will see how that goes. I am finding my spanish to get alot better because the other day, i was in the center of Chimbote ( i live in Nuevo Chimbote) with my sister and i got upset.. you should've heard me go! you wouldve thought i was a native :) i was proud of myself.. Also i found out that i am allergic to this kind of sweet called "Beso De Moza" which is sad because i really like those things :( i have a rash on my arm right now because i ate one last night before i went to bed. haha! Anyways, im still having problems adjusting to the food.. i find i dont eat much and when i do, its things like "pollo a la brasa" or things that i had in the US because those are the things i am used to. The good thing is, i WANT to adjust so things will get better.. after all, its only been a month!! And i am going to try to post more often on here.. i know i keep saying that but i will eventually. I know you would like to stay posted on what is happening over here in PERUU!!!!

About Me

My photo
Nuevo Chimbote, Ancash, Peru
Hi, I'm Kim and this is the blog I'm going to keep for my Peru journey, stay so stay posted! If you would like to know more or anything, my email is kimberlymilner@hotmail !!