Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ya he pasado navidad ..

BUEEEENNNOOOO , my christmas was DEFINATELY not what i was expecting . all i can really say was it wasnt good or bad it was just different . i was just in my house with my family like a normal day except we has WAYYYY more food than usual . my mom made a turkey and fruit salad and chicken and well , alot more . i bought a cake for my family .. kind of my gift to them in the form of fooood . uhhh , we had a secret santa thing going on so everyone only got one present but i had my mom in the US send a package to me and it had all sorts of things for each of my family members in it so they were all happy . earlier in the night i talked to all of my family back home and it made me cry . i didnt realize how much i missed them ( ALOTTTTTT ) i cant wait to see them all again <3 . today i have my 'prom' at around 7 and all my family is coming :) well , recently i hace kind of been having doubts about staying here but i figure , what the heck i only have 6 months left so why not . itll be over before you know it . i will write more after prom and new years ! love you all :)


Thursday, December 17, 2009

mi viaje a ecuador ^-^

have you ever had a surprise trip that you had to go on ? well , i had one of those this past week !! i all the sudden found out that i had to exit peru and enter ecuador so i could enter peru again to renew my visa !! ok so it sounds difficult but really it was no problem . i had to take a bus all the way to a place called tumbes , it took 13 hours to get there from chimbote ( not counting the hour and a half i had to wait for the bus! ) i left chimbote at about 12:3O at night and got there at about 2 in the afternoon ! nobody from AFS could figure out that it was me they were looking because apparantly , i " pass for a latina " .. which isnt the first time ive heard that . anyways , 1O people (students) from AFS were also there so it was fun ! we took a picture while we were crossing from peru into ecuador=D it was fun with them , we went around to kind of get to know tumbes and we were kind of in a nature area , it was so fun i had a great time with my friends .!!!
on my way back to chimbote , i had to take a bus from tumbes to trujillo (where i go all the time) and then in trujillo i bought another ticket to go from trujillo to chimbote and then a taxi from the bus station to my house ! this experience was interesting .. i must say ! but i had a great time overall !


WELL , alot of things are coming up like christmas and my promocion from school so there will be interesting posts soon :)))) !!

About Me

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Nuevo Chimbote, Ancash, Peru
Hi, I'm Kim and this is the blog I'm going to keep for my Peru journey, stay so stay posted! If you would like to know more or anything, my email is kimberlymilner@hotmail !!