Thursday, November 19, 2009

como es un dia en mi vida ?!

im sure you have probably been wondering what a normal day in the life of kimberly is . well , i will explain it to you :-) well , on a school day , i wake up at 6 :3O ( 6: OO on mondays ) and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. then , i go put on my uniform for school . then , i go to the table and eat breakfast with my mom and dad and brother. i have to be at school by 7: 3O , and i walk there from my house. i get to school and go to my class to hangout for a few minutes until the bell rings . then , when my teacher enters the class , we all stand up to show him / her respect and then sit when they tell us we can . then , there is 3/4 classes each day . here , ill type them out :

monday :
1] EPET 2] EPET 3] comunicacion 4] comunicacion 5] matematica 6] matematica 7] matematica

1] historia 2] historia 3] historia 4]PFRH 5] PFRH 6] ingles 7] ingles

wednesday :
1] comunicacion 2] comunicacion 3] fisica elem. 4] fisica elemental 5] fisica elemental 6] fisica 7] fisica

thursday :
1] matematica 2] matematica 3] matematica 4] civica 5] civica 6] arte 7] arte

friday :
1] fisica elemental 2] fisica elemental 3] EPET 4] EPET 5] tutoria 6] religion 7] religion

those are my classes . its like blocked scheduling in the united states . just so you know , EPET is like computer / training for your future class . math is trigonometry . PFRH is about family and healthy choices . fisica elemental is physics . and tutoria is when whats like my home room teacher comes in and talks to us about important things that we should know about .

after school , i walk home with my friends and my lunch is waiting for me there. i eat with my mom, dad , brother and then later on my sisters come home from their work to eat . everyone goes back to work around 3:30 and then im at home with my mom and brother for the rest of the day until everyone comes back home in the evening . unless im outside with my friends or go to chimbote with one of my family members :)

so now , you know about a day in the life of me , lil miss peru !! :D

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About Me

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Nuevo Chimbote, Ancash, Peru
Hi, I'm Kim and this is the blog I'm going to keep for my Peru journey, stay so stay posted! If you would like to know more or anything, my email is kimberlymilner@hotmail !!