Saturday, May 29, 2010

today i went to the 'isla blanco' in english , it would be the white island . its an island just outside of chimbote . i went with the whole AFS chimbote group and i had a good time apart from the fact i almost threw up on the boat , i didnt bring any food , and the sun was SOOO strong , my face got very burnt .. well , there isnt much to say about it .. there is a group photo at the top !!

Monday, May 24, 2010



well since i last wrote , my birthday passed . my mom made me chicken but cooked in the over ( they dont use ovens much here ) with my favorite white salad that she makes whenever there is a birthday in the house . all i know is it has white corn , apples , mayonase , peas and some other stuff .. its sooo good ! so some of the family came in from trujillo ( the city we always go to for visiting ) and we all ate lunch together . BUT*** before i ate lunch , i went to go get a massage around 113O that morning and ive never gotten a massage before , it was really relaxing ! so i came home , we ate , and then it was pretty boring from there .. nothing really happened . in the night time they brought my cake out and sung happy birthday !! it was cute to have all my family around .. although my brother and his wife couldnt be there because he is haveing medical problems reciently . anyways , it was nothing special really .. no 'big' traditions that are different from ours . since then nothing has really been happening . i have VERY little time left here and im going to cusco in about 2O days or so .. im very excited about that ! i think its REALLY cold there because right now its winter in peru and its sooo cold . its almost the same as in missouri but when winter first starts and there is no snow . im enjoying the cold but it makes me in this weird mood .. all down and gloomy , but you all know how that is during winter in the united states also (except if you live in miami , then you dont have that problem ! ) other than that nothing much is going on ! just school everyday and maybe going to buy the daily things for my mom .

ill write soon ! ( probably after cusco !! )

<3 kimberly !

Thursday, May 6, 2010


my time here is getting shorter and shorter and its kind of a sweet and sour thing . i can honestly say ive enjoyed my time here although there was some rough patches and i went through some things i HIGHLY disliked .. but in the end , as im looking back right now i am starting to appriciate the things i have learned even if at that specific moment i didnt . im growing more fond (?) of peru now because i know im about to go back home to america and i KNOW im going to miss it . it kind of sucks that im just starting to notice this but i think that might be what the whole experience is all about . also my birthday is coming up next week and im excited to see how that turns out . i was just posting a lil blog to let all of you know how ive been feeling recently . love&miss you all .

Kimberly .

About Me

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Nuevo Chimbote, Ancash, Peru
Hi, I'm Kim and this is the blog I'm going to keep for my Peru journey, stay so stay posted! If you would like to know more or anything, my email is kimberlymilner@hotmail !!